This set contains printables with Graphic organizers related to Maths and ELA subjects.
These printables covers different contents: the alphabet letters, Olympic Games vocabulary words, summer sports, numbers from 0 to 120, addition, subtraction, counting by 2´s, 5´s and 10´s.
The Graphic Organizers included in this set:
Venn Diagram
Bubble Map
Facts Chart
KWL Chart
You can use these printables in centers, classwork or homework. Also, fast finishers can work with them.
Children love coloring, tracing and calculating!!!
You can GET THIS SET in my TPT store!!! Click here
Here is a view of all the printables for both subjects: MATHS and ELA
These printables covers different contents: the alphabet letters, Olympic Games vocabulary words, summer sports, numbers from 0 to 120, addition, subtraction, counting by 2´s, 5´s and 10´s.
The Graphic Organizers included in this set:
Venn Diagram
Bubble Map
Facts Chart
KWL Chart
You can use these printables in centers, classwork or homework. Also, fast finishers can work with them.
Children love coloring, tracing and calculating!!!
You can GET THIS SET in my TPT store!!! Click here
Here is a view of all the printables for both subjects: MATHS and ELA

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